Three Emerging Tech Trends to Watch

As the co-founder and non-executive director of a thriving retail e-commerce platform, MyMalls, I make it my business to keep an eye on emerging trends in technology. I do this for several reasons. 

First and foremost, because of the field I’m in, new technological developments have the potential to impact my company, either positively or negatively, and because of this, I have to be aware of them. I learn about them as much as I can through print and online periodicals, as well as discussing them with my peers, always cognizant of the fact that they might be applicable to the operations of MyMalls. 

Beyond that, I’m also an active investor. My portfolio, though adequately diversified, is laden with assets in the tech sector. That means my personal net worth and standard of living is intertwined with several companies that exist in the sphere of cutting-edge technology, which gives me ample motivation to stay informed.

Finally, I’m just plain interested. Some people follow sports religiously, others immerse themselves in films and books, but in my case, it’s technology that really captures my attention. Ever since the dot-com boom of the mid-1990s, I’ve been fascinated by computers, the internet, and the various advancements that have followed. I’ve always been what you might call an early adopter; I often buy gadgets simply because they’re available and I enjoy tinkering with them and exploring their capabilities.

All of this is simply a way of saying that, while I can’t claim to be an expert on the subject of tech the same way a robotics engineer or a software developer can, I think that I’m probably more knowledgeable than the average person. Enough to write a blog post about it, anyhow. Lately, there have been three emerging trends in the tech sector that have piqued my interest, and I would like to share my thoughts on each of them.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is a game-changer in the world of e-commerce and beyond. Its ability to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time helps MyMalls optimize our operations, as well as predict customer behaviour and improve our overall efficiency. From a professional standpoint, AI excites me because it's not just about automation; it's about providing personalized experiences that keep customers coming back. Meanwhile, as an investor, I see AI transforming multiple industries in countless ways by driving innovation and uncovering new opportunities. Its near-limitless potential to revolutionize everything from customer service to supply chain management makes it the technological gift that keeps on giving—which is why I listed it first.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality is reshaping how consumers interact with products online. At MyMalls, we're exploring the potential of AR to offer our customers a more absorbing and customized shopping experience. Just imagine being able to virtually try on clothes or visualize furniture in your living room before making a purchase! AR not only boosts engagement, it also reduces uncertainty, leading to fewer returns and higher customer satisfaction. From an investment standpoint, augmented reality represents an exciting new frontier where technology meets consumer needs in ways scarcely thought possible only a few short years ago. I predict it will occupy a prominent place in the e-commerce sector in the coming decades, if not before.

5G Technology

Although already implemented in some areas of the planet, the expansion of 5G communications technology across the entire world will be a giant step forward for humanity. It will bring with it increased connectivity and faster data transfer speeds, which is something that will benefit everyone. The completion of this global network is crucial for the future of MyMalls, as it will enhance our ability to deliver mobile shopping experiences to customers no matter where they might be located. As an investor, I see the ongoing spread of 5G as a catalyst for transformative change, especially in (but by no means limited to) the retail sector, as it will drastically upgrade how businesses connect and interact with their customers.

So, there you go. It’s my informed opinion that these three technologies hold immense potential and are poised for significant growth. Keep an eye on this space in the future for insights and analyses of other new technologies that capture my interest.

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